Summer into Fall 2014

Summer into Fall 2014
by Nancy C. Canestaro, D.Arch.

Can’t you just smell it… the falling leaves and that ever-so-slight crispness in the air that signals the coming of Autumn. It’s time to mirror these changes inside your home as well.

Life just seems to flow better when we follow the signals from Nature. This is, in essence, Feng Shui, “doing the right thing, at the right time, in the right place” from Richard Ashworth.

To help you identify these shifting Fall energy patterns, below are some of the best and worst energies for the end of the year, and suggested remedies or enhancements for areas in your home.

To begin the process, draw a nine-square grid over a floor plan of your home and note the compass orientation for each sector (North, South, East, West, and SE, NE, NW, SW).

Here’s a general rule for the rest of the year. Don’t trigger calamities or health issues by disturbing the soil outside or renovating the structure (inside or out) in the due-North or due-South orientations.

Below are some recommendations for places to spend time in your home and corresponding remedies this Autumn.

Sector Directions Oct Nov Dec
North +
Northwest +-
West +- +- +-
Southwest +- +-
South ++ ++ +-
Southeast + +- +
East +- +-
Northeast +- +- +-

+’s are beneficial energies; ‘s are detrimental

Beginning October 8…First, determine the directions in your home where you sleep, work, or spend more than a couple of hours a day. If possible, sleep or spend time in the + areas, and avoid the – spaces. The SE sector of any building is typically good for work and abundance, and particularly so in October. The South sector has energy for healing and feeling good. The West sector could bring up arguments, so no heavy discussions here please. There’s a potential for food poisoning in the NW. Don’t dine here. Actually, if at all possible, avoid spending time in the NW sector of your home for the rest of the year.

Beginning November 7…The South sector is financially viable and brings happy times. Add a little Fire or red in this location. In November the North is a good place to study or work. It’s argumentative in the West and East sectors. Add a little Fire/red in the East and wavy blue or black patterns in the West to limit arguing or metal injuries. This is not a good location for a serious family discussion, or review of holiday finances. Avoid the SW altogether in November, where serious illness resides. For example, recuperating from an illness in a bedroom in the NW sector would not encourage recovery.

From December 7-January 4…The NE has abundant and sexy energy for the month. This would be a great place to snuggle with your honey on a chilly night. Add a little red to enhance the effect. Red also makes a great holiday accent. The North could have issues with robbery or loss. Add some red. Metal goes in the NW, SW, South and East. Add a little red in the SW also. The SE could be a good bedroom or a calm place to spend time. Add some water or blue. Most important… enjoy the process and keep track of the results you get.

Nancy C. Canestaro, D.Arch. has been a Feng Shui practitioner for over twenty years. She has studied with Masters from the U.S. and other countries. Nancy brings a unique perspective to home design, space planning, and interior decoration. She regularly presents lectures and workshops in the Knoxville area. Visit her website at for upcoming events.


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